Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Superman Swoops The Screens

Its been 5 years since our caped hero has left Earth in hope of rediscovering whats left of the remains of his home planet Krypton. But alas, Kal El's search was refutable. As he returns to Earth 5 years later, the people of Metropolis seemed to have forgotten about the man of steel. Lois Lane has moved on since superman left. She won an award for her article "Why The World Doesn't Need Superman." She doesn't care about Superman anymore. She was upset when he left without saying a word, and now she has moved on without him.
The original soundtrack that hinted the first few hums of the nostalgic intro sequence, the trailing 3d credits, the swooping animation of the spanning universe were all nothing short of refreshing. There is a lot of negativity of this movie despite the high ratings in other reviews. Ppl say Brandon couldn't act, there's no chemistry between him and Lois, or he's just not Reeves. To me the script was dead on. Not too much bang but just enough room to make a potentially good sequel. Brandon Routh is a great actor, he's great as Clark Kent. But he just falls short as Superman. He looks either too synthetic or too boyish. Its not because of the movie is too long. You expected more because the guy couldn't give anymore. He's a great actor. But thats as far as Superman Routh is ever gonna be. He's forgivable although he's not a great Superman. He played the part pretty well. Reeves is undeniably the best Superman. If we could take a minute to take away the nostalgic fondness of Reeves I think Routh falls in second to all other Supermans out there. Haha! Best scene of the movie? The plane scene at the beginning sends blood rushing to my head. The later scenes just gets number after a while as Superman seems to slow down a little. Theres not enough bang to it. All his superpowers were played out in the movie. As soon as it gets between him and Luthor it was yawns for me. Luthor is an average manso you can't really say these 2 collided near the end. Haha! Well, just my 2 cents. This movie gets my B+. Its worth reincarnating and its worth watching. Superman fans like myself can't miss this!
link | Wan StiffNek left the crime scene at 8:15 AM |