Friday, February 27, 2009
Villains are Artists
If film directors like Christopher Nolan were to be immortal would he rather become a MOVIE DIRECTOR?
Would he direct a film abt heroes and villains into an "alternate life" play?
Are our revered "artists" potential "villains" living under the rules/laws of men by portraying their unethical, immoral ideas onto "canvases" for people to ADMIRE.
Ideas that would never work in reality cuz they are too FANTASTIC, but admirable nonetheless.
Or would he direct his movie into his OWN reality. Living it, breathing it. Eventually building his own rules that doesn't govern around the law of man. He who cannot be bought, bullied with or traded by money. Just the CRUDE laws of the universe.
A controlled creative mind can be brought to film. An UNCONTROLLED one however, would bring about CHAOS.
Some men are just not into it for the money. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Wouldn't it be interesting to learn the hearts of these men?
Unfortunately for men such as these, they will PERISH in this reality.
Maybe its a good thing that we aren't immortal to begin with. Cuz if we were, we would do as we PLEASE. We would truly be CORRUPT. As a consequence, God gave us just one life to hold by. One dear life to reflect back on ourselves with. One life to make all the small mistakes in the world as long as we do not DIE making a BOLD, wrong choice. So we make right choices above all else.
Or so we fool ourselves into thinking whats right.
Regardless with just one, we might find a reason to take our own life serving some bigger purpose many simply are afraid or fail to understand.
But then again, amongst those who takes certain risks. You have these garbage who just kills just for the money or sex.
A lower class of criminals. Criminals whom simply have no respect for ART.
So how do you respect art?
You kill yourself.
Cuz deep down you know you belong to a better place and this world and you just wouldn't WORK OUT.
The only thing that is holding many of us back is the fear of DEATH.
But many of us are already dead. Our souls have been bought over by money and consumerism. Our ideals are misplaced. We only live cuz dying is not an option and we are simply playing by THEIR RULES which involves buying whatever it is they are selling to fulfill our VARIOUS levels of physical wants and desires, which is always hungry and can never truly be fulfilled but temporarily replenish. We make business for them and it works both ways. It truly is beautiful. Some have respect for the monetary system. Others who indulge in SPENDING and overdoes it, doesn't. They have no respect for themselves cuz they let themselves be bought. Even if you give them a million dollars they wouldn't know what to do with it. Either way the system wins.
Maybe they need a religion to clear their heads and bring them back to life! Maybe not.
If I say ICE-CREAM, you're already thinking about having one right now. The rule of ATTRACTION is unavoidable. We must learn to acknowledge external temptations. But then we CURB it. Simply ignoring them won't get you through that hurdle in life. The temptation will get to you sooner or later.
Would it kill for you to sacrifice a life for lets say... some misplaced sense of self righteousness for a group or country over WAR? So you would have felt a sense of PURPOSE in LIFE and stop doubting your miserable existence on this face on EARTH.
Yes it would, wouldn't it? Your life is worth more than any war. Nothing is worth getting yourself killed. Those only happen in the movies.
You ask yourself why ure so miserable? This is why. Cuz you just have one LIFE and you wouldn't do anything about any war. You could do something about the ice-cream.
If you had more LIVES would you put your life at risk and do the right thing? Or would you turn the other cheek?
Come to think of it this could go either way.
You can be a villain or a HERO.
But without villains, would there be any heroes in the first place?
Have you come to your senses that we are truly corrupt no matter how we try not to be? Some form of power simply cannot exist in our hands. Which is why we are given one good life to live by. There is always a dormant inspiring villain in all of us waiting to be triggered. The one life RULE would ensure that we don't SCREW it up by risking our life like villains normally would! Nature has a way for things doesn't it?
A villain understands MORE than the supposingly "common good people". Good people are simply AFRAID.
GOOD and EVIL will always be on the brink. Without evil there isn't good. And evil always comes FIRST.
So when there comes a time when a LIFE is involve, what would YOU do?
Do you DROP at the first sign of trouble like the others?
Like Batman, his anger was motivated by his death of parents. Cause by desperation from poverty where evil had lend a hand. You either EMBRACE and UNDERSTAND evil by living among them. Or just become another link in the chain. Either way evil is behind it.
Great. So now I have a MOTIVE for what I just said?

I just love a good movie, thats all. I may be evil, but maybe just a little. This post IS a DARK entry.
Movies are "emotionally honest". When you look at characters you don't have to wonder about their hidden agendas cuz they're NOT HIDDEN.
In reality, people are too proud to show their emotions. They're always talking about the next best HANDPHONES or their next best JOB and girlfriends. They never really regard a person's feelings at times. Other than their stomachs or bowels. Very unlike people you watch in the movies, don't you think?
Now you know WHY you love SOAP so much. The characters are more HUMAN than any of us would like to ADMIT. Some people are just ZOMBIES when it comes to acting out their EMOTIONS.
In fact, I tried to look up for the word "EQ" in an OXFORD dictionary but I couldn't find it. Though I did find the definition of"Intelligence Quotient".
I bet some would even know such a word EXIST.
Many of adults' problems and arguments cannot only rely on additional information to fix it. Its simply not like fixing a tivo set by referring to DIRECTIONS from a MANUAL. Some problems cannot be solve by a high IQ person even though he may be in the RIGHT. He has loads of information. But he lacks the ability to handle groups of people and has no regard for their agitation. This is where EQ comes in.
Some problems by nature, needs an acceptance of unlearning old ideas rather than just keep taking in NEW ones. Smart ppl always keep taking in NEW INFORMATION hoping they'll nail it right the next time even if they keep getting it wrong. Its like trying to get a girl's no. It doesn't work that way. Discard old information. Break old traditions that do not work. If you fail at it trying to be nice, then maybe you don't have to be nice. Bust her balls with some sexual tension. Get what I mean?
Not many people and not many adults LIVE by them. They do not have these areas of their LIVES handled. No wonder there are so many angry and MISUNDERSTOOD people all the time!
Someone up there is trying to manipulate and shape our society, making us spend unnecessarily over our hard earned dough. They brainwash you into buying things you don't need. WE ALL KNOW IT IS TRUE BUT WE ARE DOING IT ANYWAY. Where do we draw the line? Do we haf to get old to realise that we are neglecting whats in front of us?
The world doesn't need more smart people. Sometimes people need to admit their emotions. Whether it is wrong or right in the eyes of society. Sometimes, truth isn't enough. Sometimes people need to have their faith rewarded.
Labels: dark knight joker villain corrupt IQ EQ quotient intelligence emotional
link | Wan StiffNek left the crime scene at 9:51 PM |

Monday, February 23, 2009
Digsby Review
I don't know how many of you are aware of this.But Digsby is the new shit of 2009!
I even installed a Digsby widget on this blog. What it does is to allow anonymous users who come to my blog to chat with me online through Digsby.
And on the other side I'm not just connected through the anonymous user on my blog, I'm also connected through MSN, Yahoo, ICQ and Facebook chat all at the same time.
And it doesn't LAG.
And the thing about Facebook is, all the news feeds you get from the homepage will be notified through Digsby via a popup message. So you'll never miss an update that comes by the second! You can turn this feature on and off as you can view updates from one long list manually.
Just like viewing your email inboxes list but without having to go to your internet browser which takes time to load. You view them just by hovering over them quickly at a glance.
You can set the popups to appear in any corner of ur screen. You can set the Digsby friends list to display image thumbnails or not. You can set the size of the thumbnails, the text sizes and fonts of ur contact list's nick and personal messages. You can set on which side of the contact list you either want the thumbnail to display pictures, the online/offline icons or the service icon the contact is using.

Even the dialogue box has its own skins. Digsby is ad free. Lag free. And it doesn't take up advertising space like MSN messenger. Its very CUSTOMIZABLE. Its the best multi messenger ++ application by far. Bar none!
The initial setting up takes a bit of time but you only need to do it once. Everything else will be done automatically each time you log on to windows. Its worth it.
Labels: digsby facebook msn
link | Wan StiffNek left the crime scene at 7:14 PM |

Saturday, February 21, 2009
kung fu panda mom
And the audience approves! :)
Labels: kung fu panda mom sneeze
link | Wan StiffNek left the crime scene at 7:30 AM |

Friday, February 20, 2009
Rest In Pieces
One of my fav old songs of all time superimposed into this Smallville video.Labels: smallville salive rest pieces
link | Wan StiffNek left the crime scene at 10:42 PM |

Thursday, February 19, 2009
A lap of Singapore
Labels: fi formula race singapore mark webber
link | Wan StiffNek left the crime scene at 8:24 PM |

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
random doodles

Labels: random cny doodles graphics
link | Wan StiffNek left the crime scene at 7:11 AM |

random cny graphics

Labels: cny chinese new year graphics lion dance cow wayang kulit
link | Wan StiffNek left the crime scene at 6:45 AM |