Friday, November 13, 2009
Neo's Software FOUND
Back when I was still a FANBOY and the internet was basically Web 1.0 and not very widget friendly like today, I setup a website for one of my favourite movies of all time. The Matrix.After Geocities deleted my 2 earlier websites namely 8reakdown! and Our Dysfunction! which was running on Web 1.0, I was disappointed. Those were memories, man. Some part of me that started young that till today hasn't really died down. I didn't back the files up. I lost my old backup and only manage to save a few files in my new portable harddisk. The bandwidth usage per session for Geocities had limitations and saving files without an FTP connection made it difficult. Pray that I somehow had the old files stored in my old harddisk somewhere.
So to the links on the left, I have taken out the old broken links and added "Neo's Software: A Matrix Tribute" for all you guys to see. Check out the old essays that we had receive from some fan submission.
Labels: matrix tribute neo software geocities 8reakdown dysfunction
link | Wan StiffNek left the crime scene at 12:49 AM |

Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Public Service Announcement #1
Everytime I see a celebrity or a supermodel with a gorgeous dress I'll tell them "That could be you in a MONTH, only FATTER!" No thanks to TV for all the "information" or lack thereof. Now WHAAATT I say? All the diet cokes and big Macs that you enjoy cohabiting with your FRIENDS and LOVE ONES coupled with your fav shows that takes a chunk of your already short evenings that you could have spent time doin something more productive especially about that lardass that you refer to as a BOOTY. You have TV to thank for that, dear! Who needs exercise let TV control our miserable lives and thinking I'm sure they're inventing a revolutionary DIET PILL that works without EXERCISE. The source of our problems has its own solution. WEEEE! ;)
Labels: tv bad me good lol
link | Wan StiffNek left the crime scene at 7:43 PM |