Friday, February 19, 2010
Forgiveness for the lack of updates. I have a blog here which i don't use anymore. But I'm not about to delete it anytime soon cuz of some sentimental attachment I have for it. This blog goes way back to 2006, when I was too free and had too much time. All the happy and bitter moments in my previous entries. Frankly I dunno why you and I are here anymore. But in case Facebook breaks down I could just update my blog from my phone. Thats cool.Im more in touch with myself and i dun seem to have anything to rant on or complain abt. Maybe thats e perk of being at age 26. Uve finally come to terms with everything and am less conflicted. Generally happy and dun haf to camwhore to prove it to others u know. And guess what. I am still single and very much happy with my life. My last rship with a girl is months ago so dun worry, i'm not in any state of denial or anything. U can see it in my smile and hear it in my voice. Alright peace! Smile folks and c u around.
link | Wan StiffNek left the crime scene at 1:53 AM |