Wednesday, May 31, 2006
X-Men 3: What a GREAT letdown...

Ok, so I just seen the movie with my "baby" who happens to be eating ice-cream sundae when I arrived late at Tampines Mall earlier this evening. Haha! She got the tickets the day before so we got pretty good seats. I'm sure many of you has seen the movie by now so I'll just get it over with here. Yes we're talking about X-Men 3 and goddamn, I wish I was Pyro! I don't have to hurt anybody its just so cool to be holding a flame in your hand like that. Who needs a light?
I had no idea it was to be the last movie of the franchise. I thought there were many other areas where the movie could've taken itself into from the cartoon series. Particularly the Apocalypse saga where Cyclops and Jean would travel in time to meet their future son, Cable. And I would have loved to see more of the Juggernaut slugging it out with Colussus. 2 great giants battle it out! They put 2 big guys in there but that didn't happen. The consolation was Iceman against Pyro. Two friends turned enemies thanks to the underhanded schemes of Magneto who brought Pyro to the "mutant" side. Hmm. Climax of the movie? I din feel there was any. Maybe I'm being ungrateful. But here's why. There was no great last battle between two of the best. Like Magneto was outdone by the Beast and Wolverine duo, Juggernaut gets outwitted by Kitty, a lot of random mutants became victims of random tranquilizer fire and the seemingly unstoppable Phoenix aka Jean Grey lost to Wolverine just cuz he uttered 3 words. Ouch! Another thing that doesn't help is killing Cyclops and Professor X earlier in the movie. 2 of the most influential characters of the X-Men. Ok Cyclops I didn't care. But Professor X is the great leader lah. Taking him away halfway in the game doesnt give it justice to the ending's climax. So its like, all the characters who defeated their adversaries were either real lucky or real jinxed. But they don't cancel each other out to their last dying breath. And that fails to make a real memorable climax of an action movie.
The ending was abit of a cliffhanger. We all know that (and if you didn't, shame on you) Juggernaut is not a mutant. He got his powers from some ancient voodoo magic in a form of a red crystal. So he cannot be cured. What happened to him then? You can claim that he got disintegrated in the final Phoenix massacre along with the others but that is just plain ass of an excuse. Another thing was that Magneto chess board scene. Is he really cured? Or does that man possess more power than the cure would've taken away from him? Is there gonna be another sequel? With alot of the big players gone I doubt it. Very little chance of that. But there are other players that haven't already got in the picture. And some that you wouldn't even thought of already made the big screen. Characters such as multiple. Multiple was a character too briefly used as a decoy. He could have done alot to turn the tides in the chess board if put to good use. Bad use of character for a movie? Or was the movie too big for its own good?
You got me. I give up. =)
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