Thursday, March 05, 2009
Everyone is chasing rainbows
But no one stops to look at what they have stepped on and destroyed along their journey.
Everyone's chasing a dream. But shouldn't we be more RESPONSIBLE?
Some CONSTRUCTIVE back and forth comments between me and another member of Facebook. I just hope it gave you guys some insight.
Diana For some reason they all dress the same way-Shirt,T-shirt,Jeans in similar styles.Where's your unique identity guys?They need to STAND OUT.
this is a women world. women get cheaper better clothes with more variety than guys. guys r better at sth else. we dun haf to dress up to charm e opposite sex, just groom enuff n hygiene.
Right. Then explain women performers who dress the same too? By the way, are you saying women aren't good at anything else but dressing up? ;) Are you saying it is not necessary for men to dress up? You might want to rethink. This is the Attention Age dude. Be aware.
to put it bluntly its e same like animal planet. female enhances her attractiveness with youth n fertility. female waits to be pursue by male. males dun enhance themselves n wait to be pursued. they can wait a long time. :)
Yes I agree with you to a certain extent. Therefore women have the unfair female advantage. However to imply that men doesnt need to Stand Out is sweeping. In a highly competitive world, everyone irregardless of women or men needs to STAND OUT. Why do you think there's facial salons and spas for men now? Why are they metrosexual males? Better designs for men's clothing. First Impressions, Image is important irregardless of gender. You're selling yourself everyday. Thus you need to constantly be in a marketable manner. Where marketing is concern, image is very important. Of course it is highly likely women have it more adventurous when it comes to dolling up. Nevertheless no excuse for men. :)
*Pardon me for my spelling errors. Typed too fast. ;p
women these days r very able and talented below e dressing up part so dun get me wrong swity. its just necessary for them to dress n enhance then men. men are visual creatures. women are more attracted to personality. the average dude with decent grooming and hygiene with e right spark can date any women he wants :)
Hahaha! That's always the case huh! ;) But I prefer guys who are smart, business acumen, a big heart and Alpha Male! I like guys who can hold an intellectual conversation, works out and dresses well. ;p SINFUL! LOL! So how are you getting with your dates? You should check David DeAngelo!!! Go google him. LOL! GREAT STUFFS for men!
yeh i feel u. but i feel metrosexual is just a propaganda to get men to buy more enhancements to impress women. its unnatural and misguided. men shud be just comfortable being men and not get too caught up with consumerism ideals. but grooming n hygiene r still bases which r important which applies to all.
yes im a big fan of david d :)
Of course, I understand. In fact a lot of things are caught up with consumerism ideals. However the description stays. Alpha males in my own terms are men who lift heavy abv anything else. David D is cool huh! LOL!!!
hmm, too bad ur married :p
I always tell guys who are interested - "U'll be thankful I'm married because I am your worst nightmare. ;p" HAHAHAHHA! ;)
Diana APPALLING!There's this guy on my facebook who doesn't get tt this is the Attention Age @richschefren n thinks men doesnt need to STAND OUT
haha, we do need to stand out. we just dun use the gimmick all the time, swity. just occasionally. we dress for comfort. we dun use heels. we have better things to use with e money. a lot of insecure women out there seeking attention knw wat i mean?
whoever gave e idea abt the "attention age" has his/her ideals deeply misplaced. its a self defeating mandate. men who aim to seek attention are men who lack vision. they will not be good husbands n go ard flirt women. if these r men of today i think earth needs to be meteored n society shud start over their roots n ideals.
We're adults. We need to be more sensible in our ideals and lifestyle and what we would like to impress upon our children. Our ideals are misplaced and society needs to start over.
So please...
Labels: ideals society misplace chase rainbows
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