Saturday, July 24, 2010
When a defribillator becomes a thunderstorm... (spoilers!)
Inception, quoted as a thinking man's action movie. Personally one of my best 10 bux I've ever spent on.Special effects are jaw dropping, yet practical enuff to not veer away from its attempt to visually explain how the rules work in their multiple level dreamworlds.
Here is my question.
At the last scene where Cobb meets with his "supposingly" already dead wife, was that a PROJECTION of Mal? Or was that her TRUE FORM after she attempted suicide? After all, that scene was her dreamworld that Cobb and her created in level 4... of 45 years!
A lot of ppl get mixed up in that.
Seeing that Inception is an AGNOSTIC movie with no reference of heaven and hell after death, I think Nolan open up a whole new bag of worms here.
My take is that when Mal jumped off the roof thats where her "spirit" went to. To level 4. So that wasn't Cobb's own projection of his late wife. I think Nolan is trying to tell us if you get deep enough into your dreams, you'd be DEAD!
Well, so much for opening a discussion. Thanx Nolan. Job well done. Gotta sleep!
Oh and if you don't want it to RAIN in your dreams, make sure u take a piss!
Pish out!
Labels: inception movie review spoilers
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