Monday, March 09, 2009
Where do animals go when they die?
Why do we need weather? Why isn't there enough energy to go around?
If you travel in an ASTRAL body across distances and climate you'd understand why the world is seemingly DIVIDED. No matter how alike we are. We have nations, countries and are run under different government bodies. We trade off with one another so every section (nation) prospers and benefits as an economy.
Every different climate across the world hosts different produces from nature. Produces that are a resource and are worth more to someone else other than locals. Some country has oil, some has coffee, some has rare, tropical fruits. WE TRADE WHAT YOU HAVE FOR WHAT WE HAVE. WE EXPORT TO YOU and YOU IMPORT TO US. If climates were the same throughout the world, we'd have EVERYTHING that you HAVE and we don't have to TRADE with one another. We didn't have to be dishonest because trading is dishonest.

In a PERFECT world, we'd understand how you'd feel without those resources so we SHARE them. There is no need to be territorial, monopoly and divided. There is no need for nations and governments. Our resources are shared throughout the world and everybody is benefiting from it everywhere.
And since climate comes from the weather, I sometimes wonder whether we really need weather. Why can't weather be constant? Why must it be too hot or too cold? WHY MUST WE BE DIVIDED BECAUSE OF THE WEATHER?
The beauty of being in a mortal world is that everything is limited. We live off one another for as long as our lifespan allows us before we die & decompose and everything is PART of a cycle. Life is constantly jostling about across the universe. Something dies and something is born. It may seem like just a cycle to our short time on earth but it may be many cycles of an even BIGGER FORCE that is being created over time.
What is the bigger force?
This may all be sweeping remark to you. LIFE is indeed a big word.

Imagine LIFE once upon a time... concentrated into ONE small BALL. Everything that LIFE needed to sustain itself is included within ITSELF so there is no need to fight or trade with any other entity over ANYTHING.
Suddenly, CONSCIOUS comes into the picture. Since it is the absolute CONSCIOUS, it is AWARE of everything around itself. CONSCIOUS notices LIFE. It decided to examine whats inside of LIFE. Due to conscious' nature of curiosity it "played" with LIFE but curiosity got the better of CONSCIOUS and it accidentally BROKE LIFE into smithereens!
The Universe was created and everything broke down into simpler matter such as vacuum, air, dust, space, time and gases. Even CONSCIOUS was caught in the whirlwind! All there is now are different ELEMENTS scattered throughout the galaxy. Suspended into animation! Suspended into the universe, time and space! All these elements from LIFE originally are trying to get back together to become WHOLE again, even as we breathe right now.
If it means killing off an ENTITY to give birth to another one, so be it. If it means destroying a NATION to ensure peace to the WORLD, so be it. Like WORMS trying to scurry back to their NEST. SURVIVAL is the very instincts of ALL LIFE. It is LIFE's MANDATE. Feeding off one another if they have to to ensure their elements survive. Ultimately, all these elements will CONVERGE to become one LIFE as a WHOLE again. Where EVERYTHING unites and there is no division and no boundaries.
So Earth has to CRASH into the Sun one day. We all have to DIE one day. Cause everything has to CONVERGE one day. LIFE was once just a ball of EVERYTHING.
You know why they haven't made a movie on this hypothesis? Our stories are build around US. This story makes our life on this universe very insignificant to the whole cause.
So why do we live? What meaning are we giving to ourselves to ensure that our LIFE and TIME is worth something to someone so its not just playing a small role in this IMMENSE UNIVERSE?
Where do animals go when they die?
They return to LIFE.
Humans return to CONSCIOUS.
Moral of the story? CONSCIOUS shouldn't be too conscious and should learn to keep its hands to itself. =)
Labels: life conscious universe division weather climate nations governments
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